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English Country Contras

Traditional English Country Dance
Used by Ralph Page in Keene, New Hampshire at Christmas
From “American Square Dance”, December 2005, pg 44
Formation: Proper Duple 
Music: "Vinton's Hornpipe"

A1  (8) First lady Balance with the two men twice;
      (8) Circle Left three around;
A2  (8) First man Balance with the two ladies twice;
      (8) Circle Left three around;

B1  (8) First couple down center;
      (8) Turn alone and come back;
B2  (8) Cast Off, Right-hand Star;
      (8) Left-hand Star;

Lady of #1 couples cross the centre to make a little circle of three
 with her partner and the number two man. 

In the circle, all three Balance in and out twice.
  Balance = Step Forward and Touch, Back and Touch

Then Man of #1 couple crosses the centre to make a little circle of three with his 
partner and the number two lady. In the circle all three balance in and out twice.

Cast Off may be assisted or unassisted.

English Country Dance
Formation: Proper Duple
Music: "Geud Man of Ballangigh"

A1  (8) Relay – Couple #1 Lead Down between 2's and Cast Up the outside to place;
      (8) Men Lead Across between ladies and separate around Ladies back to place;
A2  (8) Couple #2 Lead Up between 1's and Cast Down the outside to place;
      (8) Ladies Lead Across between Gents and separate around Gents back to place;

B1  (8) First Man Set to the Second Lady and Turn Single (solo turn to right);
      (8) First Lady Set to the Second Gent and Turn Single;
B2  (8) All Four Circle Left Half around and Fall Back Four (steps);
      (8) All Set (advancing forward) to Right and to Left, Pass Thru and Turn Alone;

Relay:  The active Couple begins by leading down the center, split the inactive couple,
   separate and go around the inactive dancer back to place.  One of the two dancers 
   will smoothly transition into the next part of the Relay as described.
Set is a small leap diagonally forward and to the Right, leap left across in front of 
   right putting weight on toes, then leap weight back onto right foot. Then take a 
   small leap diagonally forward and to the Left, leap right across in front of left 
   putting weight on toes, then leap weight back onto left foot.

Modification of Geud Man of Ballangigh by Dottie Welch
Formation: Proper Duple
Music: "March of St. Timothy"

A1  (8) Relay – Couple #1 Lead Down and Cast Up;
      (8) Men Lead Across and Around Ladies;
A2  (8) Couple #2 Lead Up and Cast Down;
      (8) Ladies Lead Across and Around Gents;

B1  (8) Each Four Star Right;
      (8) Star Left;
B2  (8) Circle Left Half and Balance Four;
      (8) Pass Thru and Turn towards top of set half around;

English Country Dance
Formation:  Proper Duple Contra Lines
Music:  "Knowle Park"

A1  (8) Circle Left;
      (8) 1st corners change places, 2nd corners same;
A2  (8) Circle Left;
      (8) 1st corners change places, 2nd corners same;

B1  (8) Actives donw center, turn alone;
      (8) Come back (quickly), cast around one;
B2 (16) Poussette -- (push pull passing Left shoulders for pusher first,
        #1 man pushes, #2 lady pushes) taking time and going all the way 
        around using diagonal slants. 

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