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Proper Duples

By Stew Shacklette, printed in CD Journal November 2008
Formation: Proper duple contra lines  
Music: Any well-phrased Jig

A1  (8) Gent #1 and Lady #2 Forward and Back;
      (8) Same dancers Dosado;
A2  (8) Gent #2 and Lady #1 Forward and Back;
      (8) Same dancers Dosado;

B1  (8) Long Lines Forward and Back;
      (8) All with Partner Dosado;
B2  (8) Each four Circle Right;
      (8) Join both hands Half Poussette;

Half Poussette: Dancers join both hands with their partner. 
Gent #1 and Lady #2 pull their partner forward and slightly right until 
their partners are back-to-back then push their partners back into line
 so that the couples exchange places.  
 This continues the counter-clockwise motion of the Circle Right.

The #1 dancers have progressed down one position.  
They look below (away from the prompter) for a new #2 couple to begin the dance again. 
Neutral couples at the top and bottom wait one full 64 beat sequence, 
change number and then rejoin the action.  

Author: (Unknown)
Formation: Proper Duple
Music: "Jack's Life" on Southerners Plus One, RP 500 
       or Complete Caldedonian Ball, Track 4

A1  (8) Active Lady Dosado the 2 men (acting as 1);
      (8) Circle Left once around (1 lady, 2 gents);
A2  (8) Active Gent Dosado the 2 ladies (acting as 1);
      (8) Circle Left once around (1 gent, 2 ladies);

B1  (8) Actives Down the center, Turn Alone;
      (8) Come Up the center and Cast Off;
B2  (8) Right-Hand Star;
      (8) Left-Hand Star;

By Dottie Welch, December 2008, a dance for new contra dancers
Formation:  Proper Duple 
Music:  "Turkey in the Straw" on Blue Star 2462

A1  (8) Long lines Forward and Back 
      (8) Pass Thru, U-turn back and clap on 8th beat
A2  (8) Forward and Back
      (8) Pass Thru, U-turn back and clap on 8th beat

B1  (8) Each four Star Right  (#1's look below, use hands up, fingers touching)
      (8) Star Left back to starting spot
B2  (8) #1's hold left hands and turn around each other to face out on own side
      (8) #1's Cast Down outside around one while #2's slide up one position  

Author: Pat Kelm (Oct. 29, 2013)
Formation: Proper Duple with letters as follows 
1st, 3rd, 5th, etc. couples: ladies are A’s, even ladies are B’s
2nd, 4th, 6th, etc. couples: gents are A’s, odd gents are B’s
(When not finding anyone to go to other line, change blood type.)
Music: Part A “bouncy”, Part B “marchy”

A1  (8) Lines Forward and Back
      (8) Dosado once around and a quarter more
          (to long wavy line up and down hall, joining right arms with partner
           and left with neighbor) 
A2  (8) Balance Right and Left, Slide Right (nose to nose, rejoining hands in wave)
      (8) Balance Left and Right, Slide Left (nose to nose again)

B1  (8) Turn Partner Right 3/4 and march single file;
        (ladies marching toward foot and gents toward head)
      (8) Turn alone and march back to partner;
B2  (8) A’s Lead the B’s around to other line and face in;
        (A’s take hand of a B following them and lead over to other line in a 
         counter-clockwise fashion)
      (8) Pass Thru and Turn Alone;

Down in Four and Turn Alone

By Dottie Welch, December 2015 Formation: Proper Duple Contra Lines Music: "Christmas Hornpipe" on Great Chunes CD A1 (8) (New Four) Star Right; (8) Star Left; A2 (8) Actives Center, Four in Line go down; (8) Turn Alone and Come Back; B1 (8) Circle Left; (8) Circle Right; B2 (8) Forward and Back; (8) Bow to old, with new two put Right Hand In (and Balance); ONLY THREE-QUARTERS By Dottie Welch, January 2011 Formation: Proper Duple Music: "January 7th Jig" on Lloyd Shaw 318 A1 (8) Each four Circle Left 3/4; (8) Gents Split Two and Separate around partner to a line facing down; A2 (8) Lines of four down the hall six steps, Turn Alone; (8) Come Back; B1 (8) Slow Cast Off to facing lines (pivoting around the Gent); (8) Forward and Back; B2 (8) Circle Left 3/4 ending facing up or down along dancer's original long line; (8) Balance Four then face across to make long lines and new groups of four; OYSTER RIVER HORNPIPE SIMPLIFIED Traditional, simplification by Dottie Welch, 2015 (originally the last 20 beats were Cast Off, Right and Left Thru, and Back) Formation: Proper Duple Contra Lines Music: "Durang's Hornpipe" A1 (8) Actives balance double with the gent below; (8) Circle Three (to the left once around); A2 (8) Actives balance double with the lady below; (8) Circle Three; B1 (8) Active couples go down the center (or Active Center, Four in Line Go Down); (8) Turn alone, Come Back; B2 (8) Slow (assisted) Cast Off; (8) Long Lines Forward and Back; LIARD HOT SPRINGS By Dottie Welch, August 2012 Formation: Proper Duple Music: "Tribute to Borders medley" on Caledonia Ball, (Marching Jigs) A1 (8) Actives Dosado 1 1/2 to opposite side facing out; (8) Turn by Right Arm full around (pigeon wing); A2 (8) Turn by Left Arm, actives to partner in center; (8) Actives turn by right back to starting spot; B1 (8) Forward and pairs turn to face down (Actives in center); (8) Lines of Four go Down; B2 (8) Turn Alone and Come Back; (8) Slow Cast Off;

Down in Two or Four and Turn As Couple

Author: Pat Kelm – Feb. 2012 Formation: Proper Duple Music: "Mrs. Hayes Delight" on LS E30 A1 (8) Lines go Forward and Back; (8) All Dosado Partner; A2 (8) 1's Circle Left with the 2's; (8) Circle Right; B1 (8) 1's Swing in middle; (8) 1's go down the center (as a couple with girl on the right); B2 (8) Wheel Around, Come Back; (8) Cast around one (lady around lady, gent around gent); PROPER OR NOT Author: Pat Kelm Formation: Proper Duple A1 (8) Actives cross over, go down around one; (8) Everybody Dosado across with Partner; A2 (8) Right and Left Thru; (8) Half Promenade; B1 (8) Actives Swing in middle and face down; (8) Actives go down the inside and Wheel Around; B2 (8) Come back up and Cast Off with the 2's; (8) Lines Forward and Back; WENTWORTH VALLEY By Dottie Welch, May 2006, this is a teaching contra created while driving through a pastoral section of old highway in the Cobequid Mountains of Nova Scotia. Formation: Proper Duple (Ladies in left line and Gents in right line), #1s are Active Music: "The Frisky Medley" on Caledonian Ball Tunes are: Humber Jumber, Solomon Levi, The Haymakers, Tight Little Island A1 (8) Star Right; (8) Star Left A2 (8) Active Gent Dosado 2nd Lady; (8) Active Lady Dosado 2nd Gent; B1 (8) Actives Swing; (8) Actives Center, Lines of four down the hall (6 steps); B2 (8) Centers California Twirl, Others Turn Alone, Come Back; (8) Slow Cast Off; DIAGONAL DILLY By Dottie Welch, November 2009 Formation: Proper Duple Music: "March to May & Bonaparte" on Kitchen Chair CD A1 (8) Long Lines Forward and Back; (8) Diagonally right, turn by right arm back to place (Ends use phantom); A2 (8) Diagonally left and turn by left arm; (8) Long Lines Forward and Back; B1 (8) Actives Swing ending with the lady on the right and facing down; (8) Actives step between In-actives, lines of four go down the hall; B2 (8) Centers California Twirl, others turn alone, come back; (8) Slow Cast Off 3/4 back to long lines; DIAGONAL DILLY SIMPLIFIED Replace Actives Swing with Actives Dosado, then all Turn Alone. A1 (8) Forward and Back; (8) Look diagonally right and turn by right; A2 (8) Look diagonally left and turn by left; (8) Forward and Back; B1 (8) Actives Dosado; (8) Actives center, lines of 4 go down; B2 (8) Turn alone and come back; (8) Slow Cast Off; PROPER TURNS (Swing, Twirl and Cast) By Dottie Welch, September 2015 (Simplified version of Proper Swinger) Formation: Proper Duple Contra Lines Music: "Earl Bley's and Fiddle Hill Jig" on Southerners Plus Two A1 (8) New Four Circle Left; (8) Circle Right; A2 (8) Same four Balance Double; (8) Ones Swing (end with Lady on right); B1 (8) Ones Centre, Four in Line Go Down (6 steps); (8) Centers California Twirl, Ends Turn Alone, Come Back; B2 (8) (Twos are pivots) slow Cast Off; (8) Long Lines Forward and Back; COMMITTEE CONTRA By Southern California Contra Callers Association Formation: Proper Duple Music: 32 bar ("Stallion Grey" on TNT) A1 (8) Actives Dosado (8) Inactives Dosado A2 (8) Actives Swing (8) Actives down center in two, Wheel Around; B1 (8) Come back and Cast Off; (8) Lines Forward and Back; B2 (8) Right and Left Thru (same gender together); (8) Right and Left Thru;

Figure Eight

By Don Armstrong From American Square Dance, January 2001, p 62 Formation: Duple Proper Contra Lines Music: Miss Moore’s Rant or any 32 bar tune A1 (8) First dancers look below, New Four Right-Hand Star; (8) First Man, Second Lady, Turn by the Right; A2 (8) Same Four Left-Hand Star; (8) First Lady, Second Man, Turn by the Left; B1 (8) Two Men Half Figure of Eight through the Ladies; (8) Same Four Circle Left; B2 (8) Two Ladies Half Figure of Eight through the Men; (8) Long Lines Forward and Back; Men Half Figure Eight: The men cross paths (man on the right goes first) and pass between the ladies. Each man loops around the dancer who is not his partner, and into the starting spot of the other man. Ladies Half Figure Eight: The ladies cross paths (lady on the right goes first) and pass between the men. Each lady loops around her partner, and into the starting spot of the other lady. PARTNER'S DELIGHT Author: Betsy Gotta, New Brunswick, New Jersey Formation: Proper Duple Music: A1 (8) Circle Left 1 & 1/4, (Ladies are facing up) (8) Ladies Split the Men, Cast 1/2 to Line of 4 facing down A2 (8) Down the Center 4 in Line (8) Turn as a couple with own partner (some 1/2 S) come back B1 (16) Boys Fold, Balance and Swing B2 (8) Ladies Chain (8) Actives Half Figure of 8 (and Actives look below for next circle) NEWLYWED'S REEL Author: Jean & Ted Sannella Formation: Longways; Duple Minor: Proper Music: "Reel de Montreal" Published in English Dance & Song, Autumn 1966, Vol. XXVIII No. 4 And also in Balance and Swing A1 (8) #1s Allemande Right half to middle of an Ocean Wave (4), Balance the Wave Left and Right (4); (8) Neighbor Allemande Left once (or twice); A2 (8) #1s Promenade Single File in the direction you are facing; (8) (Men Down, Ladies Up), Turn Alone, Promenade Back; B1 (8) #1s Allemande Left; (8) Neighbour Swing; B2 (8) #1s Half Figure Eight Up; (8) #1s Dosido; EASY EIGHT By Dottie Welch, November 2011 Formation: Proper Duple Music: Reels (Before music Actives Swing, put lady on right and face down) A1 (8) Actives Center, Lines of 4 Down the Hall; (8) Turn alone and Come Back; A2 (8) Slow Cast Off; (8) Forward and Back; B1 (8) Each four Circle Left; (8) Circle Right; B2 (8) Actives up Half Figure Eight; (Lady cross up around lady, gent cross up around gent) (8) Actives Swing; TWO, FOUR, SIX, EIGHT (2 Swing, 4 in line, 6 steps, figure of 8) By Dottie Welch, 1 March 2011 Formation: Proper Duple Contra Lines Music: Reels in groups of 64 beats A1 (8) Long Lines Forward and Back; (8) Actives Swing; A2 (8) Put lady on right and face down, Lines of Four Down (6 steps); (8) Turn Alone and Come Back; B1 (8) Circle Left Halfway; (8) Neighbor Swing; B2 (8) Half Promenade; (8) Actives above Half Figure Eight; (Lady cross up around lady, gent cross up around gent) CROSSBEDDED SANDSTONE Author: Dottie Welch, April 2011 after Zion National Park (Idea from the image of swirling sands leaving crossing layers of stone.) Formation: Proper Duple Music: Reels ( Fiddlers: Rose Tree, Green Mountain, Petronella ) (Figure 8 for 1s: Lady down between 2s and across, around Gent 2 and up then repeat down and across, around Lady 2 and up to start, Gent follows her down going across and around Lady 2 and up then again after the lady down and across, around Gent 2 and up to start.) A1 (16) 1s below Full Figure Eight A2 (8) 2s above Full Figure Eight B1 (8) 1s Swing (8) 1s Center, Lines of four Down B2 (8) Centers California Twirl, others Turn Alone, Come Back (8) Cast Off CARRIE UNDER THE ARBOR Author: Unknown Formation: Proper Duple A1 (16) Actives make a 4-hand Arch (arbor), Inactives Figure Eight above; A2 (8) Circle Left; (8) Circle Right; B1 (16) Inactives make a 4-hand Arch (arbor), Actives Figure Eight below; B2 (8) Actives step in between inactives and lines of four go down the set; (8) Lines back up four steps, the actives arch and the ends (2's) dive up through the arch to the next active couple. Note: As the last figure ends and the next figure begins, inactives will be going under two arches (or arbors). The first is the couple they have been dancing with and the second in their new duple Actives.

Petronella Turn

Author: Traditional from Contras by Don Armstrong Formation: Proper Duple (Couples 1, 3, 5, etc. active but not crossed over) Music: "Petronella" A1 (8) Actives Balance and Turn into center; (8) All Balance and Turn; A2 (8) All Balance and Turn; (8) All Balance and Turn; B1 (8) Active couples down the center (Twos Turn Alone); (8) Come Back, Cast Off; B2 (8) Right and Left Across (same gender together); (8) Right and Left Back; Turn: Roll right face 3/4 round while moving 1/4 to right in box. The first turn takes the Ones from their side into the center of set with lady facing down and gent facing up. After the fourth Balance the ones join hands and proceed down the center of the set. The twos quickly do another turn out of the centre and into their original line. Right and Left Thru: Done with the same gender so Pass Thru and Wheel Around as a Couple. PROPER NELLA By Dottie Welch, September 2015 Formation: Proper Duple Music: "Tribute to Borders" on Caledonian Ball (Marching Jig) A1 (8) (New Four) Star Right; (8) Star Left; A2 (8) Circle Left 3/4; (8) Gents Split Ladies around partner to line; B1 (8) 4 in Line go Down; (8) Turn Alone and Come Back; B2 (8) Bend the Line and Balance; Petronella Turn; (8) Balance and face new two;

Hey for Four

By Paul Moore "Becky Osgood was one of the most impressive women I have ever met. There was never any doubt who was in charge when Becky was in the room. She had such style and grace, that she could tell you "where to go" and you’d think you had an invitation to heaven. This has some of the feel of an English Country Dance, but with the hey and the crossings, a beautiful pattern of lace is woven. Do not let the dancers rush it." Formation: 4 couple proper numbered from top 1, 2, 3, 4 Music: 32 bar Irish jig A1 (16) 1's Balance and Swing while 2's face down and 3 & 4 face up; A2 (16) 2 & 3 start Left Hey for Four (dancing along the line); B1 (8) 1's & 2's Swing, 3 & 4 finish Hey; (8) 1's Half Figure Eight above; B2 (8) 1's Cross and go out below one; (8) 1's Cross and out below one more to the foot; Notes: The Hey is danced with Gent 1 and Ladies 2, 3, and 4 in the left line. Lady 2 and Gents 2, 3 and 4 are in the right line. When dancers 1 and 2 meet near the end of the Hey they Swing. Ending the Swing in Normal Couples places the 1's below the 2's.

Contra Corners

Author: By Dottie Welch, October 24th, 2009 Formation: Proper Duple (Keep the lines short so all have a chance to be active.) Note: This is an introduction to Contra Corners used in Duple formation. It works best if Contra Corners has already been danced in a triplet. A1 (8) Actives Center Lines go Down (8 steps); (8) Turn alone and Come Back; A2 (8) Slow Cast Off; (8) Forward and Back; B1 (8) Actives Turn Contra Corners; (Partner right, right opposite left, - - partner right, left opposite left); B2 (8) Actives Right pull by partner to starting spot; (8) Inactives Dosado; CHORUS JIG Author: Traditional (as a triple this is the classic Contra Corner dance) Formation: Proper Triple or Duple Music: “Chorus Jig” A1 (8) Active couples go down the outside and turn alone; (8) Actives come back up the outside and into the center; A2 (8) Active couples go down the center and turn alone; (8) Actives come back up the center and Cast Off (hand-assisted); B1 (8) Turn Contra Corners; (8) (Partner right, right opposite left, - - partner right, left opposite left ); B2 (8) Active couples Balance and Swing (total of 16 beats); (8) End with the lady on the right facing up ready to turn out and go down;
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